
Qwen 2 7B Chat


Qwen2 is the new series of Qwen large language models. For Qwen2, we release a number of base language models and instruction-tuned language models ranging from 0.5 to 72 billion parameters, including a Mixture-of-Experts model. This repo contains the instruction-tuned 72B Qwen2 model. Compared with the state-of-the-art opensource language models, including the previous released Qwen1.5, Qwen2 has generally surpassed most opensource models and demonstrated competitiveness against proprietary models across a series of benchmarks targeting for language understanding, language generation, multilingual capability, coding, mathematics, reasoning, etc. Qwen2-72B-Instruct supports a context length of up to 131,072 tokens, enabling the processing of extensive inputs.


Open Source

Context Window


ProviderInput Token PriceOutput Token Price
OctoAI$0.15/Million Tokens$0.15/Million Tokens